The New Visio Laser Pack is designed to give you feedback on how well you can aim your putt.
The new generation Laser is equipped with a continuous on/off button. Press it once and the laser stays on; press again and the laser turns off. The laser is so powerful you can trace the aim path on the putting surface outdoors, no target backboard required.
In addition, there is a new Visio fully adjustable Tripod and a removable bumper leg. With the leg attached the laser will shoot parallel to the ground and reflect off the target backboard. This method is preferred by many instructors for indoor use. It also comes in handy for coaches to calibrate your SAM, Trackman 4, Quintic Ball Roll, or other analysis system.
Unscrew by hand the front bumper leg and you can trace the aim path on the putting surface, simply by tilting the base up and down. Assess alignment on short putts, long putts, straight and breaking putts. It’s a great tool to highlight aim points and train the eyes for improved alignment.
The laser comes with a rechargeable battery, charger and protective Visio case.